Friday, December 28, 2012


Much like a hashbrown, but so much better. Thank you Switzerland.

Serves 6-8:
2 1/4 lb russet potatoes
2 T lard
2 T olive oil
1 t kosher salt
chives for garnish

Boil potatoes, and cook until tender. Drain and cool until you can peel them. Peel, then refrigerate 1 hr.

Pull potatoes out of the refrigerator and melt the lard in a 8" nonstick pan. While the lard is melting, grate the potatoes. Pour both fats over the potatoes, add salt, and stir to coat.

Put the pan back over medium heat. Transfer the potatoes back to the pan and press them to fit the shape of the pan. Cook until you can see the edges are crispy and golden, about 30 min. Use a plate or cutting board to slide the potatoes out so you can invert the rosti and cook the same way as the first side.

Turn it back onto the cutting board, sprinkle with chives, slice, and serve.